

See No Evil 3
See No Evil

In a world that spins with relentless chaos,
where shadows weave their tapestry of despair,
I stand at the threshold,
an observer in the theater of existence,
bearing witness to the light of joy, peace, and righteousness
that colors my view of the cosmos.

I see the darkness,
its presence undeniable,
yet I choose to turn my gaze.
I do not ignore the clamor,
the dissonance that rumbles through the veins of society,
but I do not let it dictate the course of my vision.

In the depths of turmoil,
where anger and bitterness make their home,
I do not let their shadows reach me.
I am not blind to their existence,
but I have made a conscious choice
to focus on the light that dances at the edges.
My eyes are trained on the spark of joy
that flickers even in the dimmest corners of the soul.

I observe the world with a lens of compassion,
filtering out the noise of discord,
creating a sanctuary where peace reigns.
It is a deliberate act, a practice of intention,
to look beyond the surface
and find the beauty that lies beneath the clamor.

Each day, as I navigate the expanse of human experience,
I see the silent acts of kindness
that ripple through the fabric of reality.
I witness the strength of those who rise,
the perseverance of spirits undeterred by hardship,
and the love that blooms in the harshest conditions.

The world’s imperfections are a given,
but they do not consume my attention.
I acknowledge their presence,
but I do not allow them to shape my narrative.
I reserve my focus for the stories of triumph,
the moments of unity and grace
that fill the spaces between the shadows.

My heart beats with a rhythm of positivity,
a steady pulse that guides my vision
toward the light that persists despite the darkness.
I cultivate an awareness that filters out negativity,
shifting my focus to the enduring values
that uplift and inspire.

In this chosen path,
where I embrace the good with open arms,
I manifest a world of harmony and strength.
I plant seeds of love in the soil of my mind,
water them with acts of kindness,
and nurture them with the light of my attention.
The fruits of this labor are evident in the serenity
that graces my being.

By directing my energy to what uplifts,
I forge a reality where peace flourishes
and strength is a natural extension of my will.
The persistence of my positive focus
creates a haven from the discord
that might otherwise consume me.

Thus, I see the world not as it is,
but as I choose to perceive it.
I am a curator of light in a realm
where shadows are inevitable but not omnipresent.
My vision is a reflection of my intention,
a beacon of the joy, peace, and righteousness
that I hold dear.

In this dedication to positivity,
I find the strength to endure,
the perseverance to continue,
and the love that binds my soul to the beauty
that exists even amidst the shadows.
I am a witness to the light,
and in this witness, I manifest
a life of boundless possibility,
where love and peace are not just ideals,
but realities crafted by the power of my sight.