

It's easy once you understand it...
yet the path is kind of hard...
but once you get a hang of it,
everything will be clear....

You see you there will be light and dark too ,there has to be both dusk and dawn ...Yet we somehow want only the light, only the dawn only the sun......thats not how life works......

Sometimes you will feel lost ,you will feel alone, you will experience failure and heartbreak....
yet it's only because of those times that you learn to ... find yourself,...
you realize you're whole just by yourself.... you fight harder to win...and become stronger in the process... .

The minute you realize that to see the light you need the dark, like
the sun needs the moon and the darkness of the sky.
the flowers need a little rain to grow..
similarly we all need to see the darkness... to know the light ....
We need to hit rock bottom for our shell to crack... for us to open our hearts.....
We need to accept everything in our lives peacefullly... I mean everything....
both the ups and downs.....
remember all that pain will pay off and all that pain will silently teach you something....
live your life fully with no regrets....

© diya ✨