

In the library of my soul
You are the book I never knew I needed,
A tale of love that my heart had been seeking.
Your words are whispers that only I can hear,
A language that speaks directly to my soul, dear.

Your pages are the moments we share,
Filled with laughter, tears, and love beyond compare.
Your cover is the beauty that I see in you,
A reflection of the love that shines so true.

In your chapters, I find solace and peace,
A sense of belonging that my heart can't release.
Your verses are the promises we make,
Vows to love and cherish, for our love's sake.

You are the book that I can't put down,
A love story that I'll read forever, my heart's crown.
For in your words, I find my home,
With you, my love, I am never alone.
© Rukie vert