

Man Made Violence.
When the cat Scampers our way,
We do call it an inauspicious.
Being a human, we scamper many times in other's way and turn it out to be auspicious.
That innocent animal had no animus in contriving a hump on our way.
Though, without introspecting, we chased it rudely, Spitting out rough words at it and cursing it to death.
Being a human, many wilfully create humps in the lives of others and later escape with various excuses for their deeds.
Why do we twist the beautiful policy of nature for our selfish needs?
Why is this so?
Is that because the flat broke and frail animals cannot stand against us?
Why do we dismiss from mind that every little being has a right to live as we do?
While we all are swinging in the same cradle of mother nature and getting equally loved by her,
Why are we hurting that mother by instituting hurt to her children's?
Is this not like doing violence to our biological mother and siblings?