


You came in my life when I needed someone to listen,
You gave me a safe place, reminding me of what I am missing,
And I fell, not in love but in a deeper, desperate need,
Of being understood by someone who would accept me,
And of course you got my weird, you even get my jokes,
And though I can't say I love you, I trust you, and now I choke,
For as the time went by, your feelings begin to change,
The energy has shifted a bit, and I know it's not the same,
"I can't give you a relationship, let's just hang out instead ",
So slowly I reign into myself, letting go brings so much dread,
For I have grown emotionally attached to you, stupid I know,
But you gave me the light when I sat in the dark, and no one showed,
But apart of me knew it was too good to be true,
So my heart is protected, that's good, but now what to do?,
Do I rip off the bandage right away? make it a quick death?,
Or do I slowly peel it back, So it hurts less, I guess?,
I don't have the answers here, but I know you can't give what you're not feeling,
But if I go, I may also lose a friend, but I also need the healing,
Sigh, the damage has already been done, I will take what I can get,
Until I break this attachment to you, so I will bleed until I can forget.

© C.Wynter