

My Brain To My Mind
I feel like I am on a constant warpath with myself;
Fighting my inner demons
In the hopes I come out stronger,
To be this better version of myself
And God damn is it messy,
The blood I have bled to be this comfortable in my own skin,
When I'm struggling to feel good enough for myself,
For the pain that I've succumb to
Just to feel human again,
The broken bones
I spent years healing,
Its never enough to stop this feeling
I have come so far
And I have made it okay,
The scars I look at
Are a constant reminder
That the years I spent crying
Is the old me,
I left dying
I battle it all,
Every day
I often wonder
When the suffering is going to go away
I want to shine bright
Like the stars up above
I want to embrace
All of this self-love
I can only dream that I will wake up
And see that
All this time,,
I've been more than enough
© Silky Sylph