

The Sufferer and the Observer (Language)
Life is so amazing and beautiful I wonder why we forget
When the burden of life fills your thoughts and all you have is sorrow and regret
I've seen my mother feel so much pain, anger, and hatred that it hurts my soul
It can damage a young child, it felt like my heart had an empty hole
I'm crying as I write these words, I'm reliving all the pain, I want to scream and shout
But I have to focus, I got to send my message out
Why God makes us feel pain enough that we want to die
Is a mystery to so many people, they don't even want to wonder why
But I tried even though I almost died
Now that my pain is gone I know that truth lies inside
Use your mind's eye to see the reason why we feel pain and cry
Pain is an alarm, it let's you know that something is wrong
But people freak the f--- out when they hear it like what the f--- is going on!
Instead we should keep calm and try to fix the situation
Keep a steady head and deal with the s----- that you facing
So don't hate the pain, it's there for a reason
Everything has it's time and everything has it's season
Somebody once said that suffering will lead to the discovery of something great
Who knew that discovering it would be my fate.
© Ragian Azariah