

break the dam

My father have a funny way of showing love,
Instead of showing affection,
He expresses it in words that could bruise a fragile heart, my mom's heart.

He never physically hurt my mom,
But whenever he open his mouth,
I could hear two hearts breaking.
As I watch as my mom slowly gains a slouch in her shoulders, lowers her eyes, never making eye contact, her voice turning into weak whispers with a bit of quiver.

He never physically hurt my mom,
But I have witnessed multiple gaslighting.
Mistakes of his own doing, turning into being my mom's fault.

All of it, is my mom's fault.

His day that isn't good, mom's fault.
When his outdoor life doesn't end well, when he got home. It's his housewife fault.

And at a very young age,
I have learned what fear is.
Not for me, but for my mom's well being.
So I live recklessly, creating a rebellion for my mom's misery.
I should have known, I'm so stupid.
I should've known that in...