

Like cures like....
Why do people do bad things?

Let me introspect, let me assess,
Why such bad habits I do possess?
Why do I do bad things,
Why do I have peculiar mood swings?

Though I firmly believe-
Bad things are uncalled for,
Quarrels,vendetta and violence-
This world has gone through so much
and needs no more!

But, why am I bad at times,
Why do I react and retaliate at times,
Why don't I understand the beautiful inspirational quotes and rhymes?

Am I not included in the category 'people'?
Am I not 'the people'?
Honestly speaking, I forgive and forget bad things done to me by people,

But, when bothering continues and bad things repeated by people,
I admit- I do react and relatiate since
I am not the God with high ideals
and towering steeple!

So, invaders need warnings,
a dealing with iron hand
and then an effective strike,
As saying goes: Iron cuts iron,
Like cures like!

I am a normal human being, full of emotions and sentiments,
I do have anxiety, anger, fear and the stress,
For which, at times, I do need fresh air and vents!!

--Vijay Kumar--
© Truly Chambyal