

Your love,My cosmos
In the vast expanse of the universe's embrace
Your love is the star that illuminates my space
A celestial wonder that guides me through
The darkest nights, and the brightest truths

Your touch is the gravity that holds me tight
A force that warps time, and makes my heart take flight
Your eyes are the black holes that draw me in
A vortex of love, where I am forever lost within

Your lips are the event horizon, beyond which
I am consumed by the singularity of our love's switch
Your love is the big bang, that created our universe
A cosmic explosion, that forever will disperse

In your love, I find my constellation
A pattern of devotion, that will forever be my navigation
You are the cosmos, that I am lost in
Forever and always, my love for you will be the gravity that wins.

© Rukie vert