

Peaceful Life
My life was broked
I looked up to the North
I walked down to the South
I ran to the East
And rushed to the West for help
But all was in vain

I lost hope and i was restless
I pretented to be living a normal life
But it all keeps coming back
Hitting me hard with regretful memories
I was drowned in sorrows
When i see people who are happy
I asked, what makes them happy?
And they said "it's peaceful life"
I said to myself
If a peaceful life is all that i need
I will find it
Even if i have to climb the highest mountain
Swim thousand rivers
I wouldn't mind for the sake of peace
I never knew peaceful life can lead to a normal life
Now i can boldly say that I'm FREE!!!!!!!
The End.

© Obi_Abaayewa