

For a chance to start over
I'd almost give it all back
I wouldn't go astray
Or go down the wrong path
I would change my whole outlook
I would change my set ways
I would change how I approached things
I would change how I spent my days
I'd give my daughter a proper life
I would try to be a product of society
I would do a complete 180
And live a life of total sobriety
I would change my circle of friends
I'd watch those that I kept close
I would keep addiction at bay
That's what I'd focus on the most
The sun sets in the distance
Yet again another day
Tomorrow comes bright and early
The day goes good we can only pray
The day is a case of Russian Roulette
With its ups and downs and backwards turns
Just making it through the day
Sometimes is my only concern
When some kind of change starts to happen
It can come in any size or shape
Change isn't always a bad thing
It's all in how we choose to relate
We always have a choice with
How we choose to look at certain things
We can either just focus on negativity
Or focus on positivity that change can bring

By De Ona Marie Charamut
age 45

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