

Poem - Oh, Relentless Rain
A Poem - "Oh, relentless rain"

"Oh, relentless rain,
Why are you pouring down relentlessly?!
The water table is rising in the barren land, and lakes, ponds, canals, and rivers are overflowing.

Enough is enough!
The flood has arrived,
and people's lives are in disarray.

The torrential rain of Ashada
Is turning people's lives into
a desert.
If the crops of farmers
in the nearby villages are ruined
due to landslides and economic losses,

who is responsible?

Lost lives will never return.
Countless homes have been destroyed,
and the animal kingdom has
Suffered immense losses.
Who will see their plight?

Oh, relentless rain,
please show some mercy!
Whose wrath are you unleashing upon?
How long will this continue?

Some people are selling land for money,
cutting down trees, and building roads,
but innocent people are suffering due to nature's fury.

Please Stop this!
#savesoil #savenature #dontcuttrees

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava