

The Side Effects Of Mental Illness
You need no reason to be sad.
Without any warning,
tears come down rolling.
You come across as ungrateful.
Despite only the good things happening,
you feel empty from within.
You immerse in your own insecurities.
Even though your closed ones,
always offer their support relentlessly.
Your mood changes as per the weather.
The biggest challenge of this illness,
is to manipulate the mind out of the darkness.

This illness is no joke.
Just because one can't see its bruises,
doesn't mean it hurts any less.
A lot of empathy is needed,
to help the one struggling with it.
They may come across as thankless,
It's not out of choice, they just feel hopeless.
So empathise and support them.
With your help they'll eventually become normal again.

© Polkola
#mentalhealth #Life&Life #Support #help #Empathy