

An encouragement poem
"past is past", they said
but why do I still live
in the pain and sorrow of yesterday?
hey, hey, will you please go away

here i am today,
yet the nightmare of
the past is where i stay
i pray, night and day
hoping they will leave me someday

let God and let go,
they said, i know
so Lord please show
and i'll let my tears flow
as i talk to You for i may not know
that these sadness and grief
will be the path for me to grow

my Lord, i call Your name
please wake me up from this bad dream
i was afraid and destroyed by my past
but in Your plans, i trust
here I cast the depression i have at last

heal me, oh Lord
be my strength and sword
for i will take a rest in Your word
be my guidance as i face this world
© angie