

I had a dream!
I had a dream,
A dream of empty lands.
Futile farmlands
Where nothing ever planted
Ever grows.

I had a dream,
A dream of unfulfilled passions.
Wasted struggles
Of men who toiled and suffered
But never got their credits.

I had a dream,
A dream of round full bellies.
Bellies reaping
Where they never sowed
At the expense of the hands that strived.

I had a dream,
A dream of young Josephs.
Holding on
To the dreams of hope
Hanging on a string of thread.

I had a dream,
A dream of the true King
Descending from the heavens,
Vexed at the mischievousness of his creatures
Coming to award all the honest labourers.

© Oluwadamilola Ogedengbe