

The Pride Of November
In a month of gathering,
When poets met,
There November was heard,
In another month's night,
When November had passed,
I see the night skies starless in a new month,
In the hot days of November,
When all were home,
The union of family brought memories,
Now November is gone,
Another month begins,
A time when memories remain memories,
There poets say,
The times of November gave inspiration,
Our hearts sung to the rythm of poetry,
When our voices came to light,
There birds sung melodiously at day,
And roosters waking us together,
Then I stand and say,
Memories remain memories,
The truth remains the truth,
When we reunite,
We will make better memories,
The pride of November is gone,
What awaits us is the journey and struggle,
But we know and are assured,
That we will reunite after a long time,
And say with joy as poets,
The pride of November has now returned.
© YahBaBlack