

My paper heart
I've never felt pain like this before,
Searing hot, flames of torment.
All that I had, that I love and adore,
Held to my face, by a hand I resent.

I didn't realise until I wished for it,
Prayed for rain and got a fucking storm.
Rain to cleanse, to wash away the shit,
It grew wild, feral, and left my heart torn.

I wish I knew my crime, what did I do,
A past life filled with insatiable sin,
Force fed my words since I could chew,
I grew to despise everything within.

I used to believe I was possessed,
To explain the dark, the hate, the void,
The weight that lies on my chest,
Working so hard to have me destroyed.

I sucked the light from my own heart,
Never let it see the sun or the day,
Slowly let it decay, fall lazily apart,
One blow, it'll surely blow away.

That's the thing about paper, it's light,
It's easily lifted, quickly filled,
No undoing what you write,
And words cannot be so easily killed.

© Oli James