

judgment in Pain Became my Blessings
omg here we go again
judging me cause Im a single mom with eight kids
so I had to be a slut ...working on the street
no wait ...maybe I just jumped from meat to meat to meat
sorry but I'm not a butcher that's not me
I was actually in relationships with all of these creeps
I wish I had known what I know now
before I layed down with them and gave them my crown 👑
the first time sex found me I was 12 years old
and no I didn't give it ...it was taken with my soul
that night I'll never forget because a baby I did behold
A life changing experience that no one would know
because I felt so ashamed and darkness took over.....I had no control
the second time
I was just 17 years old
I thought I fale inlove with a men that was 47 years old
oh how naive I had been
to believe I was in love with this older men
not knowing he had his own undercover plan
to use me to give birth to his first kids
even tho I told him how bad my life had been
I blame no one because I was old enough to decide
but that doesn't give society a right to label me as a slut as I'm walking by
3 from him had entered this world
10 years of abuse I gained with that fairytale
until I had the strength to disappear with my baby's
but to start all over again that was a giant maybe
so a few years went by
and I met a men who seemed so kind
we dated we talked in 16 months went by
in finally on bended knee he asked me would I merry thee
so I said yes thinking this was it
the end of the story
2 years of being ingaged seemed like a dream come true
I had given birth to 5 ...we lost one that's true
but the drunk he turned into
broke our family into two
and 9 years of that relationships hell we been through
now I am alone with all 8 of my children
and the happiness that I feel
I know is only God's glory
so the next time you see a black women with a lot of kids
don't judge her at all listen to her story and maybe you'll understand
© Unique Powers3331