

Serenity in Solitude
Some say being alone is sad,
A sign of a life gone bad.
But I have found a peace within,
A quiet space is where I've been.

In solitude, I find my way,
No pressure to be what they say.
I can indulge in hobbies true,
And take the time to see them through.

There's no one to demand my time,
No need to play a role defined.
I can be myself, and just be,
In a world of my own, free.

They say it's lonely, being alone,
A life that's lost, a heart unknown.
But I have found a solace sweet,
A time for rest, a time to meet.

The world outside can be too much,
A place where people crave a touch.
But in the quiet of my mind,
I find the love that I can bind.

They call me outcast, strange and weird,
For living life on my own, cleared.
But I know that I am not alone,
For in solitude, I've found my home.
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