

King's Disease
In the land of sickness, there reigns a king
A ruler of illness, with a deadly sting
His name is whispered, in hushed tones and fear
For none can escape, his grasp is ever near
Kings Disease, a tyrant in disguise
With his twisted power, he rules and he lies
He preys on the weak, the young and the old
His grip is unyielding, his wrath untold
He whispers in ears, and poisons the mind
His sickness spreading, like a wildfire unconfined
He cares not for wealth, nor for fame or for power
For his only desire, is to make us all cower
He wears a crown of sorrow, and a cloak of despair
His army of afflictions, he sends without care
Each one different, but with the same goal
To bring us to our knees, and take full control
But fear not, for there is a glimmer of light
A cure for this king, a way to end his fight
With strength and resilience, we can break free
From the clutches of Kings Disease, and finally be
Free from the pain, and the suffering it brings
Free from the fear, and all the heartache it sings
For though he may have power, we have something more
The will to overcome, and rise once more
So let us join together, and raise our voice
And stand tall against Kings Disease, with unwavering poise
For though he may be king, we are the true rulers
And with our strength and love, we can conquer all torturers
So let us not bow down, nor give up the fight
For we are warriors, with courage and might
And though Kings Disease may try to bring us down
We will rise above, and wear our victory crown.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Kings Disease

© ApproximatePower