

A messy process,a poem that doesn't rhyme
"They never told me you had to learn to forgive.
A familiar concept that takes the heart some time to really percieve.
I thought my heart would just know.
But it is something you have to learn as you go.
If they told me, I would've expected the burn.
Instead of knowing what to do, but not knowing that I have to learn.
They should've told me that it takes time.
A messy process, a poem that doesn't rhyme.
I would've been more patient with my heart.
Instead I scolded it on why it ddn't let go of the hurt.
On why it kept taking us around in circles.
Over and over again, crossing the same hurdles.
I would've understood that my heart was innocent of it all.
I thought it could walk straight, so I punished it everytime it would fall.
Every time it stumbled, everytime we hit the same wall.
We fell apart and all those times it had to crawl.
But we did it, we did it all by ourself.
We learned, even though they never told us that you had to learn, to forgive yourself."
© Prince