

insane ramblings of a paranoid schizo
The beckoning sun calls out today
To come out and play and be happy
With things that sting like fire
Scorpions, cinders, and barbed wire

I knew such a fence once in the wild
Good memories of being a child
With scraped knees from bike falls
Riding around the city answering calls

I miss hearing a phone ringing in my ear
I have had many a friend those years
Before they knew what they couldn't say
They hated talking to me on any day

Tomorrow is Sunday the day of food
I don't eat much due to my moods
I watch and snivel at all who come
They are spies who wonder if I'm dumb

My intelligence isn't questionable at all
Crosswords sit before me and words fall
The letters glare at me and laugh back
Knowing these things isn't anything I lack

© Frankii Fame