

The rise and the highs..,the falls and the lows..
the happy and the joy..,the sad and the misery.
the life and the hope..,the death and the despair
Everything is from Allah(SWT) embrace it as our Lord knows everything that is good for us.And knows the perfect timings...
Our Lord Allah(SWT) blessed us with the most beautiful deen(Religion) and give us permission to pray and make us part of the Ummat-E-Mohammed.
Nabi E Kareem Akram HUZOOR SALLALLAHU-TA'AALA-ALAIHI-WASALLAM (PBUH)who is the blessing for whole wide world is our beloved prophet and messenger and provided us complete islam❤️ 💖 💕
Perfectness is indeed for our Lord Allah(SWT) we are humans and we are imperfect seekers of rehmat and forgiveness.

© @etoile_brillante🎐