

Make it like it was
It's a tough visual, looking in a mirror and not liking what you see looking back at you
Empty eyes, akin to a 90 year old
Weight loss, clothes not fitting like they used to
Skin abnormalities, the list goes on
But the most bitter pill to swallow, is how hollow my heart has become, and how my mind can't retain two thoughts to save my life
The best of my efforts always being stomped upon
And it has become a silent battle I fight everyday,
One filled with tears, one filled with haemorrhaging doubts
My other worldly confidence has left the building, and I am starting to question, will I ever find myself again?
And no one seems to understand
"God, save me from this hurricane", I pray
"Make it like it was", I beg
Anything for a reprieve

Happiness I long for, sadness I no longer care for
How long will the wait be, before it all becomes too much?