

A student
In a world so vast, where dreams take flight,
You navigate through darkness, seeking your own light.
Struggling with grades, feeling lost and unsure,
But remember, dear friend, your worth is pure.

You're more than just a #student, more than a grade,
Your value lies within, in the person you've made.
Don't define yourself by marks on a page,
For your spirit and passions are what truly engage.

Embrace your uniqueness, your journey, your growth,
Success comes in many forms, it's not just about both.
Believe in yourself, for you have so much to give,
Your worth is not measured by the grades you achieve.

So keep pushing forward, with determination and grace,
Embrace the challenges, and find your own pace.
You're capable of greatness, beyond what you can see,
Just believe in yourself, and let your spirit be free.
© bably