

Chainlet lustrous
Falseness eulogy scuttle me in the puddle of pseudo cradle
Just as the rain started to fall, forces of good and evil instantly clashed
In circles and in twirls that darkens all thunder rumbled and lightning flashed
A momentary commotion seemed to soar me to the summit of the pylon of glory
Besiege with exuberant opiate strands that have been assimilation to infallible
Switching from dark to light so fast like glint
If you don't have a massive bedrock or extended pretense, you'll just be displaced like being excluded

Lost the meaning of everything that has been instilled
It's a game of arithmetic and trickery
Undergo all of this conviction at first, but now it's unsteady
Spryness feed from hand to hand until gorged— collected
Conjuration from the glistering of the cluster of fairies coming to you
Now your eyes are blind because of their glare — open your eyes extensively
Now you are abundantly with exuberance phenomenal
But is their availability perennial or will it protracted like dust in the rain?

Resoundingly isn't that exhilarating even though it's like a mirage
Perplexedly it destroys your inner peace
Conjecture is not a wanton which is only made because of disbelief. This is a matter of what you feel and get
Iridescence is no stranger to this flashy game
It's deranged really deranged for you

I'm scared by this scenario of looking there full of smirk lips
The ludicrousness of this will continue if you follow this dexterity on how you accept and reject is what matters
Moving from stage to stage with discretion
They will embezzle whenever & it's normal for them
Your vehemence should be more blazing from now on
Your predominance will be seen at the end

©Uni Nindiani