

Why it is necessary to control females,
Will they define your masculinity or your wining when you thought you can overpower me ,
What made you think you words would define my whole state of mind what i was think and feel about certain well being ,
Why you think independence and putting your point across only meant for you only ,
When and where this partiarchy thinking take a full stop ,
When the time will come when you see me as human being and stop differciate between me and my liking
When the time will come when you stop saying married life is bliss for you what you have to do ,
Its takes zero effort to become a housewife,
Nothing new in it everyone is doing it ,
That's your duty to take care of the house,
If I ask what your duty ? is to question my every decision or point out mistake in things I do ,
Stop controlling my life stop keeping eye on me because I am growing up,
I know and very well known about this cruel world and about people intentions also,
Stop being judgemental towards me ,
Stop using your useless not so jokes ,
Stop spreading your toxic thinking and nature in my life,
I want sunlight ,peace and fresh air to breath not a toxic mentality to live with .
© vyanjana