

That day by our son outside we were thrown,
into what a tree our seed turned out that we had sown ?

He says that he can't take care of us at his family's expense,
but did he forget how was he brought into existence ?

Didn't his heart just fall apart ?
Wasn't he scared of God's wrath ?

Where does he think our weakened eyes will find shelter and sustenance ?
So much twinged we are from his negligence.

Will our tormented bones be able not let our flesh to fall ?
Will they be able even to crawl ?

Did he forget how concerned about him we were when he was not more than a sapling ?
Why did not a single tear come out of his eyes by seeing these happenings ?

Not any mere fragment of sympathy we seek to receive,
but it kills you when your own blood deceives.

We were by heart attached and enamored to you, not from the facilities you did provide,
but to see after us, why my son you cruelly denied ?

We've almost lived our lives full of sacrifices,
now our hearts are ruptured from your deception's stabbing and it has created painful orifices.

Now, the shivering of our hands doesn't bother us,
but it can't be elucidated how trembled we are from shattered trust.

Now our loose skins do not tend to quest for any relaxation,
we want just our demise to come after your deception's penetration.

But in this pain, your mother can't stop herself to think about your childhood,
never in the world she would have thought that to her you'll be too rude.

Oh my everlasting , let us in you to be intertwined,
for so long we've lived or died.