

Strange thrill
In shadows cast by the moon's soft glow,
A realm of mystery, where strange thrills grow.
Whispers dance on the edges of night,
A symphony of enigma, a captivating sight.

Through winding alleys of the mind,
Strange thrills in every corner we find.
Electrifying pulses in the still air,
A clandestine rendezvous with the rare.

Ethereal echoes of an unknown song,
A strange thrill that's been beckoning all along.
In the silence, secrets gently unfold,
A tapestry of mysteries waiting to be told.

Lost in the labyrinth of the surreal,
Where reality and fantasy subtly conceal.
Strange thrill, a clandestine affair,
A dance of shadows, a captivating dare.

As the night surrenders to the dawn's embrace,
The strange thrill lingers, leaving a trace.
In the echoes of a moment, enchantment instilled,
A timeless memory of a strange thrill fulfilled.

© MysticGarvicii