

Life should be called cursed and reverse
like,why the fuck are we even here?
I've seen what I've done and it hurts
but never do I have any fear.
I've used drugs to self-medicate
the only way I know how.
Like a Buddhist I've tried to mediate
but haven't found a reason as of now.
Hooked up with women
scared that I'd end up alone
fell in love when I wish I didn't
desperately trying to find my way home.
I've picked my own brain
trying to manage to find my own path
to the point that I've now gone insane
from which there will be no coming back.
Drowned my sorrows in booze
when or where will it end
in eack path that I choose
searching for just one loyal friend.
I've traveled this country
from east coast to west.
got lost like a dummy
and ended up cutting my wrists.
Made lots of money
even acquired some power
like a bee makes it's honey
using ingredients from each flower.
I pray to God, why?
asking the tough questions through prayer
does he even know I'm alive?
cause I sure don't think he cares
So what did it all get me?
on this path of destruction
then it finally hits me... ...
© jussie