

My Love
I'm in love with the glistening water that flows effortlessly through my fingers.
It's so clear that I can see the small fish wandering with purpose.
The water's sparkling ripples saying hello to the trees as it strolls by.
It cascading down the rocks with such beauty and grace, as if it were doing ballet.
The water flows with no intentions or true destination, it just is.

Im in love with the deer that pondered onto the field across the river.
It's beautiful cotton white tail wisping behind in its trail.
The deer's chocolate brown eyes cautiously peeping around in it's surroundings.
The fluffy bright green grass carefully bending with each step the deer took.
It doesn't need to know much, just that it goes with the flow of the water.

Im in love with the day I saw you, standing there across the everlasting water.
That day there was a cool breeze tenderly kissing my cheeks.
It's the day my wounds had finally scarred over.
That day was so perfect I had been convinced it was a dream meant to mislead me.
It's the day that everyone else's day was not the same, except ours.

Im in love with the moment I first saw you
Your eyes settled onto mine, our gazes fitting like the last piece of a puzzle
Your gorgeous blue eyes, bright as sapphires, sparkled in the dancing sunlight
I was enchanted by the captivating blonde hair that could suit no one but you.
I will never forget that moment, and I feel you might think the same.

Im in love with you.
Your perfectly imperfect smile that makes my heart race and my stomach fill with flutters.
The way you move as if it requires no muscle .
How you looked so focused on the water until that beautiful deer made you look up.
Your gaze upon which paralyzes me and makes me wonder why I was chosen.

Im in love with time.
Time let you and I be together, souls intertwined as one.
Time heals the emptiness in my heart after you left, piece by piece.
I hope that time will bring us together once again so that I can see your face once more
I know that time will lead me to the magical water where you wait patiently across the river for my return.
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