

Some say I'm going to fall
but what do they know
never a foe
not even a friend
but I'm here to tell you
that's not just some little girl
at her pitys end

Because when the shame fades
with the forward motion of time
the memories or what kills you
you'll never believe another line
you'll sit there and remember
what now is someone else's
now you'll say
that used to be mine

So go now
never stop you're trying
do whatever it takes
to keep that little boy from crying
he's not going to say I hate you
and though he may be gone
he'll be the one who wakes you

So for every one of my tears
as each one is falling down
every time these wheels of mine
are treading around
I'm thinking of you my Ryder J
I hope this all makes sense one day
so stop looking for me son
you have my spirit
so we've already won

And for you my daughter Cydney J
who has never been said as plain
because you're so much more
than any words can explain
my prayer for you
since the day you were born
I asked God to give you my heart
but the rest of your existence
be twice as much more
and I'm more proud than ever
if ever there was something I've sworn

Ryan J you are the one
yes Ryan my dear son
you became a strength
that took many years
for me to become
there is wisdom taking its time
paving your path
there's patience you carry
that many don't have
a great leader you will be

But as for me
some say I should have owned the sky but they're all the same
just passing by
and when your head is down
can you hear that sound
trust nothing else but you
nobody will ever know why
because logs in their eyes
you have to find the truth

There will never be a moment
not one that feels right
there will never be another
sleep all throughout the night
and you'll be strong
sometimes even tag along
and even if in plain sight
you'll remain gone

So children please take it from me
your mom has been through mor
than you'll ever believe
no matter what happens
always stay strong
life is a rollercoaster
be bold and get on

Please Ryan keep your head up because everything you are
is meant to be
and remember
that it's not what you look at
that matters
it's what you see

Cydney my love
there are things you can never know unless you have lived it
sometimes you don't get to choose who will break your heart
or what you let mend it
but please always be who you are
no matter what kind of hell
no depths nor lengths
what's going to matter
is these hard times
are where you'll get your strength

And Ryder my dear boy
you know my love for you
we share a strong soul
but take it easy my son
it can someday pay its toll
so be wise overall
keep your approach calm
because no matter how big or tall
its hard to get back up
when not designed to fall

I say these things
but hear them and listen
with your glasses half full
because these things my children
you are blessed to have been told.

"Just remember,
at the end of each rainbow
there is a pot of gold...
and don't listen to those
that will tell you it's not true,
life is much more
than thier point of view"

Don't forget how special you are
and that you each have my heart
and please
hold on to each other
don't let nothing pull you apart.

oh... and don't forget to smile 😀 please

love throughout and beyond eternity:

Sarah J Laird Taylor
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