Loving Warm Hearts
Instant belief, beworlded hope & high aspiration
In an instant crushed, shattered & breaks
We may not know da test of life & expectations of da future
Bewilded is da thoughts & flowing of pain
Pain that taste like of salt & water in one
Da heart wounded wud a sharp dagga , wondering if it shall recover or collapse
Bloodless stains travell out of ur heart, leaving no evidence of injury
Yet deep within is shattered pieces of destruction
In an instant crushed, shattered & breaks
We may not know da test of life & expectations of da future
Bewilded is da thoughts & flowing of pain
Pain that taste like of salt & water in one
Da heart wounded wud a sharp dagga , wondering if it shall recover or collapse
Bloodless stains travell out of ur heart, leaving no evidence of injury
Yet deep within is shattered pieces of destruction