

Don't fall out love
Don't Fall Out of Love
Don't fall out of love with the world,
Though they no longer walk its soil.
Be grateful for the life they lived,
A story etched in time's turmoil.
Be glad that they were born and breathed,
A spark ignited, a flame that gleamed.
Rejoice that love's sweet song resounded,
And in your heart, its echo's dreamed.
Don't let the world's cold hand deceive,
For love can mend the broken heart.
Let gratitude be your guiding star,
And hope a soothing, healing art.
Though grief may loom, a heavy weight,
Remember love's enduring might.
It's in the depths of sorrow's night
That love's true brilliance shines its light.
So cherish memories, hold them dear,
A tapestry woven, year by year.
And though the world may seem austere,
Let love's warm glow dispel all fear.
For in the crucible of loss,
Love's precious gift is found across.
A testament to life's sweet gloss,
A love that time can never cross.

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