

ok. So guys... its a very simple poem but has a deep meaning. we have already used our mother land and taken it for granted for many years but u all know that its never too late to improve.so go through it once and tell me how the poem is.

The earth is fading somewhere
somewhere in the dark
shiftless us overshadowed everything
even our great nature's spark
what to say to the wild creatures like us
who even didn't forgive the trees
even after hearing loud cries and pleads
of nature in hushed way
we tried our least.
The ozone is depleting because of our ghastly attitude.
but the rotters are still roaming
putting their best citizens at mute .
sitting in the comfortable cozy room
letting CFCs to rout the earth
but dear humans, no one will come
and build the bricks for the rebirth of earth

Don't you miss the jocund company of leaves fluttering in the blissful air ?
and do you remember the sound of water waves
waving sprightly but yet peaceful without any care
how was it like to wander in the vales
with the jubilant company of chirping of birds
and that sound of noisy playful crickets
in the moonless, starful sky...
and I know, now it hurts

Dear people, its never too late to plant the trees
To again let the blissful leaves flutter in the breeze
to again let the vibrant birds sing in twilight
and to return our mother land back
what she had given us
with her faithful pride. ❤