

Sad thoughts (barely a poem)
A part of me want to let go
But when those happy memories with him will start to flash before me,
All I could do is to plead and beg.

He said, "I'm really tired of you, I want to break up with you"
And I broke in tears.
So afraid of being alone, I plead for him..
I could see the pain and longing of freedom reflected from his eyes.
But I was so blinded by my fears he would leave me..
I begged and cried in pain..

He told me, The moment the sun would rise, I should head home and never come back.
But I insists to stay never realizing he had already given me up.
But see, I still cling to his side.
The hunger of his attention and warmth I always felt never fades..
That morning, we woke up...
He told me he's sorry but I know he had changed..
His embrace and kisses  were gone cold and lack of sincerity..
I silently wept for the terrible feelings I felt..
But instead of complaining,
I keep it to myself

There are two questions I could never utter and never will be..
For I fear he would let me go and totally disappear..

Should I still hold on?
Or, should I give up?

© melai2020