

Here w/ my demons & passt dead friends.(ghost's!)

"'Om'ow'One'-wu'-One', Om,-Om', "'Om'ow'One'-wu'-One'wu-Ow'ow'Om-Om'Om'ow'One'-Ow,wu'-One', 'Om!

Here just kidding- killing second w/ my friends, haven't felt good feeling w/ long breath's,

"Om"Ow, "Ow,wu-O'o, Om"Ow, "Ow Za za, wu-Ow'wo'Om-Om'Om'wu'One'-Ow, wu'-One' 'Om-Om !

"Might not be able to make it to work next day or reminisce the night away, ( just don't know what mind, my head will be in of that dawn-day),

"Om"Ow, "Yoo-hoo', "'Om''One'-wu'-One'Ow,wu-Om,'wo'Om'w'One'-Om-One'Yoo'-, "wu Yo-"whoo'!

"Morphine burning track n my vein, speed bubble boiling out the brains ( our sorrows shadow's my shame too all my ladies lost cheats cheating not n vain)!

"'Om'wu,'One'-Ow,wu'-One', "Om,wu-Om'ow, "'Om'wu'One'-Ow, wu'-One',"Om,wu-Om'om'Om-Om 'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu,wu'-One'!

"here w/ my demons & my dead friends
,Eco ho low, hollow Gray ghost's.

"My mad heroes Yoo-hoo, feasting pot belly's it's turns gut's,bottom pit w/ who doo voo doo bitches Brew who do hunger, she doo, steaming cups, bleeding unclear- ulcer ow ow om wu you, pain not as welcome, but a must.


"'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One', Om,wu-Om'ow,'Om-Om'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One', Om,wu-Ow'ow!

("Bite the woman like beast n heat, enter world's').

Pound her harder, hardest feeling too beautiful can't be beat, bewildered Nirvana bust a grape gorging meat (not worried, no wonder fellows, off private member nut deep) burrowed n her wounded peach, wet pulsating 'cunt', Silkie seed, pulp seeps, Woody's warme filling keep,

"'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One'Ow-Ow''Om'wu,'One'-Om,wu'-One'Yoo'- Ou-Om, Om'wu, Om,wu,Om..!

("Here, w/ my demons & my dead friends').

What life partner don't know, siner man free too rejoice , wife never contests blaming might, love won't tear us both apart nore destroy tradition's vision, eternity's soiled erotic union, hit-and-run fleshed aora center peace; volger break, whore stagnant musk linger stranger sweet coats salt tart arousing, perfume body, seekers memories good times shady retreat, soulmate rest in peace, one can't sleep human great nightmarish thought descend & sleep, blessed sinful bliss, never repeat..

("Ghost of monsters put them out, exiled away')!

'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One'Om,wu-Ow',Om-Om'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One' "Om,wu-Ow'ow'Om-Om "'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One'!

Here w/ my shameless fouw pho-pho, 'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One'Om,wu-Om'om, 'Om'wu'Om,wu'Ow!

My hands empty- beautiful dead friends ghost's.
What are times if not w/ a circle of dark friends,

"'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One'Om,wu-Ow'ow'Om-Om'Om'w'One'-Om,wu'-One' Om,wu-Om'om Om,wu-Om,'om, Om,wu-Ow'Om-Om Om,Om'om!

Optimum Lucifer be able- a welcome guest, hopefully soon, missing luster, the ghost w/ the mourning distant pleasure, feeling faded away; replica, missed memories, lost of past perfect blend.

My friends just ghost of our good old days. Memories of my demons, ghost of past friends!

"'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One'Om,wu-Om'om'Om-Om'Om'wu'One'-Om,wu'-One' 'Om,wu,Ow' "Om!

All that's left is soulless void, here w/ me, my self, & my demons ghost, "Ow'no "ow,wu,om,Om'!

"Vanishing point, snowblind, blow blow blowing, nose bleed bleeding thinking dementedly, living reality false presence imagined structure merash

( "schizophrenic visits W/ my demons & dead friends, no ghost')." Lost in fantasy, LOST, guardians,LOST spirit!

"Om'wu, "om,om,'Om, her, w/ my ghost, universe of dead heroes, ( nurse, do u smell my feces...........).

White room, institution,( nurse reply your all clean, "my good Sir'!!!). Dazed murmurs..! as Im answered!.... slow stagger!...

!Thank!...,( Kra).. YOU? "(wU,va'...,). Blank stare, staring my eyes wide open but not willing still opened & stuck. Consumed by sickness & declined health!

From my passing lust, everything else missed! Too rejoice riches, (rage). Love & marriage,(marsh),
Off to heaven or hell!!!! purgatory would be a step up!

© Antonio.Mora.Lopez