

I am forever Changed
The truth is, I'm forever changed
Grief has swept in, rearranged
My bones, my heart, my soul
I'm reborn, made whole

May this ache never fade away
A reminder of love's magnitude each day
A bittersweet memory that remains
A heart that's been transformed by pain

Grief's fire burns, a flame so bright
Guiding me through the darkest night
A beacon of hope, a light that shines
Illuminating a heart that's mine

In the depths of sorrow, I'm refined
A better human, heart and mind
Transformed by pain, I'm reborn anew
A phoenix rising, with a heart that's true

With every tear, a piece of me heals
A fragment of my heart reveals
A strength I never knew I possessed
A resilience that's forever etched

The weight of grief, it presses down
Yet, in its darkness, I've found
A strange and beautiful, eerie light
A glow that guides me through the night

May this aching never be in vain
May it remind me of love's sweet refrain
A melody that echoes through my soul
A harmony that makes me whole

And when the grief finally subsides
And the heart begins to heal and reside
In a place of peace, where love abides
I'll emerge, transformed, with a heart full of pride

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