

The last three wishes
I was born to conquer the world ,
In the world I have too much earned .
No one was able to defeat me in the battle,
Everywhere there was sound of rattle.
I was made rude since childhood ,
when I was defeated by several brood.
Since childhood I never shown anyone pity ,
I considered everyone being witty .
I thought no one is greater than me in the world ,
I thought I am the god of the world.
My last war of my life taught me a lot ,
Everyone born to this world ,
comes with empty handed and goes empty handed.
plz fulfill my last three wishes,
I am going to be died,I am not suspicious.
after my death ,the doctor should hold my coffin ,
to show the world that the best doctor couldnt cure me and couldn't win over death.
I wish please take my coffin over gold coins spread on the road which I earned ,
To show the world that the coins are just the dust which I got when I conquered the world .
My last wish is that please keep my hands open out of my coffin to show that,
the one who conquered the world , had nothing in his hand .
while dying there is no difference between king and beggar ,
Because both die with empty handed as a scrounger
I know the world accepts that I won all the battle
but it should be accepted that I lost the most important battle of my life ,I was unable to defeat my death .
hey guys this is the poem on Alexander's death and his three wishes .pls read the whole poem and respond too. #writco #inspiration #mythology