

A Penurious Maiden Beauty And The Worshippers Of Luxur
A young, Maiden girl
With deep blue eyes shining like pearl

Her ochre coloured hair with soft curls,
Are caused by the cool blowing wind to get whirls

She is wandering in her garden with a gleaming smile on her face
Her sand-toned skin is glowing in the sun's rays

She went closet to a bush which enchanted her
When she is about to pick up a rose, its thorn pricks her finger

On her finger, a dark red spot arise
And a sharp sting is sent down to her spine

The sharp pain reminds her of all those miserable memories
When the worshippers Of Luxur filled her life with agonies

Her penurious parents used to serve a ruthless, affluent family,
Who used to treat them cruelly

They killed them in front of the eyes of their daughter
While she was crying helplessly, with a whimper

She pleaded to them for showing some mercy
But they refused to listen to her, arrogantly

She buried them alone in the dirt
Now, her world turned into a completely barren desert

As her parents were her only family,
Living life for her was, now, nothing more than a melancholy

Now, on the bench of her garden, she is sitting all alone
She keeps thinking about that what is gone
#ruthless #misery #lifeofapoor #brutalityofrichpeople #affluence