

Make it Count/Free Flow
Do I move?
Do I let my heart and mind speak in symphonies?
Do I take my paint brush;
Wet it in my creative juices,
And let my hand flow?

Do I sit still and just be?
Do I bounce off of you?
Reflect on me?
Do I try to capture my essence, again?
Do I roll another one?
Spend the day vacationing in Dreamland?
Do I unmute my phone and say:
"I am here for you today..

Make it count."

Do I rearrange the energy in my space?
Dust the corners and make everything sparkle?
Do I sort through and let some baggage go?
Do I tend to the mundane?
Pay my bills and do the laundry?

Do I take my eight wheels and go for a glide?
Do I spend the day crafting culinary delights?
Do I invest in some moving picture?
Do I get lost in that book that's been on my mind?

© Leila Rose