our hearts are stupid
Our hearts are so stupid
Our hearts are so stupid…
I’m sorry for sayin that
But when we follow our hearts
To the wrong path
And not listenin to our brains
Not listenin to our own guts,
We’ll regret makin bad decisions…..
Your inner voice
Is tryin to tell us somethin,
And we ignore it…
We get the results…now
Our feelings are hurt…
So when are we goin to learn?
The hard way has show us the cruelty
And somehow we turn the other cheek…
Like we’re blind…
We listen to our dumb hearts…
We listen to our dumb thoughts
And we get what we never deserve….
The sad truth about it,
We’re not the same person we are….
We change cos of horrific abuse and circumstances….
We’re so lost in danger…
We feel lonely in toxicity…
And nobody should take advantage
Of vulnerabilities…
Our hearts...