

Dragons 🗡️🐉

In realms of old, where myths unfold 🧐
Dragons soared, with tales to be told 🔮
Majestic beasts, with scales of might ⚔️
Ruling skies, with fiery light 🔥

Oh, how grand it would be, if they still roamed 🌌
Breathing fire, in a world called home 🏠
Their roar thundering, through mountains high 🏔️
A symbol of power, as they touched the sky ✨

With claws outstretched, and wings so wide 🕷️
They'd guard ancient secrets, with a gentle pride 🤐
Their wisdom whispered, on winds of old 💭
A treasure trove, of stories untold 📚

In modern times, we'd marvel at their sight 👀
Awe-inspired, by their beauty and light 💫
No need for fiction, or fantasy's sway 📺
For dragons would live, in a world of today 🌟

Alas, they're lost, to the sands of time ⏰
Leaving us, with a nostalgic rhyme 📝
Yet still we dream, of their majestic form 💤
And the magic that, their presence would transform 🔮

So let us cherish, these creatures of old ❤️
And the legends that, their memories hold 🔒
For in our hearts, their spirit will stay 💖
And maybe someday, they'll find their way 🔜