

I am staring into the abyss. Seeing my life falling into bits.

Oh, how I miss my old self. Laughing, smiling, and not a single problem am I facing. Now, I'm just wondering. If I can still save myself while I'm falling.

I'm so tired, I want someone to lean on. I wish there is a star I can wish upon or someone's hand I can hold on.

I wish, I cease to exist. If I let myself be eaten alive by this abyss, will it give me peace?

I'm not worth crying for. I don't want any of this anymore.

I'm a mess. I'm so tired of choices and consequences.

I want to be free. I already feel empty.
I want to be free of this misery.

Is there really light in the dark?
All I see is pitch black. I already loss my track.

I hope there's an end of this.
I already feel like I'm stuck in this abyss.

© SupangWritings
Dec 29, 2022