


I have been ok for a while now, feels better when I don't think,
I wouldn't say I'm happy, but my thoughts won't let me sink,
Is this masking? when you go on autopilot, is this okay?,
Watching a lot of shows, reading a lot of books, to find a better way,
I just don't want to be the one that is always so sad,
People can be understanding for so long before they are bothered,
Reached out to a friend the other day, no reply was their answer,
So to social media I go, Scrolling,react and then forget,
I'm fine I will say when asked but frankly I'm not at my best,
But I'm not sad, I assure you, I just feel a bit hollow,
Day dreaming to escape and so my emotions, they follow,
I just don'want to annoy anyone, be the victim of their frustrations,
So I will ignore the sadness and hide it within distractions.

© C.Wynter