

Title-"I am writing a story while humming a song, of my crazy, restless heart."
(Writco tells us to write a story or poem & get started with your writing streak to be on top of the winner list.My rejoinder- 😀I write not to win an award or a competition.I do not write them,My fingers write my emotions.I write tales & poesy about my restless heart.For in the depths of inscribing,I find my peace,A solace from the world, a world to cease. @writco)
In the depths of my mum soul, a world of words reside,
A fidgety brain that pours out its emotions abide with pride,
I write not for fame or fortune, but to heal and abide,
My pen a vessel, my paper a canvas, my heart a guide.

In the dead of night's quiet moments,when the world is still,
I find my voice,my heart,my will,
And let the words spill out filling all blanks,
Like a river overflowing its banks.

My brain and heart, playing a quizzing game,
Seek answers to the questions that bear my name,
With eyes that long to see, the world's design,
I pour my thoughts, in poetry's rhyme and line.

Not seeking stardom, nor awards to hold,
I write to express, my feelings to mold,
In the depths of my fractured soul, where words are my only role,
A poet's heart beats, with emotions that unfold.

In these depths of my soul, a world of words reside,
A turmoil of emotions, a symphony of pride,
I write not to win any competition, nor to gain a prize,
But to release the restless heart, & soothe my wandering eyes.

My Ink-stained fingers, a soul's refrain,
Writes to heal, to ease some chagrin & pain,
Not for fame or fortune's gain,
But to release the emotions strain.

From the depths of my soul, I spewed out my heart in verse,
With ink-stained fingers, a poet's every curse,
I write to convey of the wounds that time too has not mend,
To ease & rise from the pain that my heart cannot amend.

With every line,I shed a tear,
For the mangling memories that bring me fear,
But still I write, for in the words I find,
A solace that my heart and mind entwine.

I write not to conjecture, or to pretend,
But to articulate, to hope, to mend,
The fractures of the heart and mind,
The whispers of the soul, so divine.

I pour my heart & mind through writing, onto the page,
Not to seek fame or fortune, but to ease the cage,
A labor of love, a passion true,
A poetic journey, for me and for you.

Not for fame or fortune's fleeting gain,
Do I write, but to ease the pain and strain,
Of a soul that's fractured, worn and gray,
And to release the emotions that would not stray.

In these poetic words, I find my peace,
A balm that soothes my troubled release.
The fractures of the heart, they slowly mend,
As I pour out my soul, and my words ascend.

My pen bleeds with passion, as I write perpetually through the night,
My stories, a reflection of my quizzing heart's plight,
The ink flows like the tides, as I weave a tale so bright,
A kaleidoscope of colors, a symphony of light.

The ocean of words in my mind, a vast & endless sea,
Ebbs and flows within me, wild and free.
I dip my pen in ink & let the high currents carry me,
To realms of wonder, where my heart may be.

With each line, a piece of me is reborn,
A reflection of my heart, a tale of my scorn,
The ocean of words, a vast and a endless sea,
Sings on the blank paper, a melody of glee.

With every verse, I reveal my heart's truth,
A journey of self-discovery, a path to my youth,
I write not to win awards, but to heal and be whole,
To release the weight of my soul, and let my spirit unfold.

With every stanza, a neoteric piece of me is born,
A reflection of my heart, a daring tale of my scorn,
The ocean of words, a vast & endless sea,
Sings on the paper, a melody of glee.

Patiently, I pour my thoughts onto the page,
Calmly, I weave my words, like a lover's gentle rage,
For in the stillness of the night, my heart finds its voice,
And in the silence, my soul takes its choice.

With patience and calmness, I let the words unfold,
A tapestry of emotions, a story to be told,
My heart a flame that burns bright and true,
Vanguards guiding my pen, as it weaves its tale anew.

The tales I write & narrate, they are not of glory or might,
But of the human heart, and its endless fight,
For love, for joy, for peace, and for the light,
That guides us through the darkness, & makes things brightly right.

I let my words be a free river, a stream of thought
A blank canvas of dreams, a world of beauty brought
For in these ocean of words only, I find my true home
Where my heart and soul, forever roam.

The words cascade like the waves, a symphony of sound,
A poetic tapestry, woven with love profound,
I write for myself, for my own heart's delight,
To dance with the muses, in the moonlit light.

In the silence of my mind, these verses take flight,
A symphony of emotions, a dance in the light,
I write not to judge or to criticize,
But to give voice to my heart's deepest sighs.

Ink oozes from my soul like gore, a river of emotion,
Stories born of my heart, each one is a devotion,
Not for fame or reward, but for the love of art,
My pen is a conductor, weaving a tapestry of love and smart.

My aching restless heart, an endless ocean deep & so wide,
Colors dance before my eyes, a kaleidoscope inside,
I write to heal, to soothe, to express,
The whispers of my heart, the secrets I must confess.

Eyes filled with hues, awaiting for you all,
To fall upon my words, and hear my inner call,
For in the depths of inscribing, I find my peace,
A solace from the world, a world to cease.

My stories are not of triumph or of might,
But of the struggles, that fill my endless night,
The tears I've cried, the laughter I've shared,
The emotions that flow, like the rivers that are scarred.

In the hidden corners of my mind,
Where quizzical thoughts & feelings intertwine,
I write to release the weight of time,
My fractured soul's words, my only shine.

The pen is my solace, my escape,
My voice, my refuge, my heart's release,
Ink flows from my mind, a healing grace,
As I pour out my deepest space.

The pages fill with rhymes and verse,
A symphony of emotions, of course,
Each line a reflection, a soul's reprieve,
A journey through my innermost beliefs.

Here I find solace in the poetry of my soul.
Not seeking fame,nor awards to hold,
I write to express, my feelings to mold,
in the depths of my fractured soul.

Where words are my only role.
A poet's heart beats,with emotions that unfold,
A symphony of words,that echo through my mind,
A rhythm of the heart,that speaks of love and kind.

The ink as gore flows like a river,
Carrying my deepest dreams,
And the laughter & the tear,
That I've learned to conceal.

I write not to win an award or any crown,
For in the words that flow, I find my peace, my quiet town,
I write my emotions, raw and true, without a mask to wear
For in the honesty, I find freedom, and a sense of being there.

I write tales about my failures, & the lessons I've learned,
To heal, to grow, to find the strength that I've yearned,
I write to process, to make sense of it all,
To find the beauty in the chaos, and the lessons that I've had to fall.

I write for myself, for my own healing & growth,
For in the words that flow, I find my inner strength, my inner truth,
I write to connect, to share my story with the world,
To find the common ground, and the hope that we've yet to unfurl.

I write to heal,to break the chains,
That bind my lamented soul, to set my spirit free,
To soar on wings of verses hearse,
And dance on the breeze.

I write on, through the murk,pang & the pain,
To find solace, in the words that remain,
For in dead silence, I hear a gentle voice,
Guiding me on, to a peaceful, quiet choice.

So I keep writing through,as it keeps me sane,
For in the act of creation,I see I am not alone,
My heart, my soul, my agility,my everything, poured into each line,
A sensual labor of love, a work of art, a reflection of my heart and mind.

I let the words freely flow, like the tides of the sea,
And let my heart sing, wild and free,
For in the act of creation, I find my peace,
And my restless heart, it does release.

So I write on, with passion and grace,
My pen aflame, my soul in place,
For in the poetry of my heart, I find my peace,
And in the stories, my restless heart finds release.

© Aneemkp