

Sitting here
Tears in my eyes
Blood on my hands
They won't find me here
They won't see me cry

I've come this far without the tears falling
So why are they falling now?
Why are they falling here?
With people I barely know
People I don't wanna be pitted by
Felt sorry for
I just wanna be alone
Heal alone
Do everything alone
Not to remind that I am alone
But just because I need to find who I am
I need to be who I am
And I don't know how to anymore
Lost myself
Lost in my own world
How do I see others instead of just wanting to glare?
How do I care again?
Instead of just wasting away in my own self pity?
In my own
Deep hole I've built for myself,
For myself I'm still building,
Building up these walls,
Walls only the skilled climbs can scale,
Scale the walls to my soul
My heart
My mind
Until I let them all fall
As the walls come crashing down
I wrap my arms around the ones who stayed
The ones who didn't climb out of these walls,
These walls I've build for my own
And I'll wrap my arms around the ones,
The ones who scaled my walls,
My walls for me,
For me they scaled

© BrokenStillBreaking

Fri, June 21st 1:50 PM 2024