

Overthinking's Grip
In twilight's realm, where shadows dance,
A mind ensnared in overthinking's trance.
Thoughts swirl like eddies in a raging tide,
A relentless torrent, impossible to hide.

Like poison ivy, thoughts creep and spread,
Entangling reason, leaving only dread.
They whisper doubts, ignite fears anew,
A constant torment, a torment that's true.

'Kill the person inside,' the thoughts implore,
A voice that echoes, tempting to the core.
To silence the turmoil, to end the pain,
To shed the weight that burdens brain.

But in that voice, danger lurks unseen,
A path to darkness, a treacherous ravine.
For the person within, the self we hold dear,
Is the essence of life, the essence we fear.

To kill that person would be to betray,
Our own humanity, our reason to sway.
Instead, we must embrace the thoughts that reside,
Acknowledge their presence, but not let them guide.

With mindfulness, we'll tame the whirling tide,
Find peace within, and set our spirit free.
For overthinking's grip can be undone,
When we choose life, when we choose the sun.

© nusrataijazlaway