

:Is this right: By Cece
Love, everyone know that lovr can be a magical thing but I really dont understand it. I mean people can watch a bunch of romantic movies but the thing about that is that people will eatch it. They will be like " oh my gosh" that is the romantic I want or need. The thing about that is that people will want something, but as soon as they get it the dont know what to do because there nervous or doesnt want make the wrong impression. I think it's strange because you shouldn't have to be nervous around that person you should be able to be yourself. People just think of love like it's everything in the world but why? why do people think they need someone, because as soon as you do find someone you can't make your own decisions anymore, you get anxiety over that person then slowly you start losing apart of yourself. Know I am not saying love is bad I am just saying be careful of what you thing love is because as soon as you actually see it with not your eye not your brain but your heart. As soon as you see it with your heart you have to ask yourself " is this right, I am going to regret this later". But if you are sure then your answer in your head will be...
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